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Eva's czech wedding party

2nd August, 2008

As we enjoyed our stay at my cousin Eva's wedding party, you can enjoy some pictures I made. Party was held mostly for czech relatives and friends but we also met many really friendly and interesting relatives of Jonathan, Eva's husband.

Česká verze stránky je dostupná přes odkaz v~pravém horním rohu stránky: CZ

Pictures are displayed using the Flash, so you can (after activating by mouse click) roll between images using keyboard (left and right arrows) or even your mouse's wheel. If you are unfamiliar with the Flash, there is also conservative HTML version available.

I will be happy to provide high resolution photos for printing or minilab processing, just let me know on my e-mail tom@drb.cz.

SimpleViewer potřebuje pro tuto galerii Macromedia Flash. Get Adobe Flash player

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